Jessica E. Blau




Jessica Blau was a member of the Intellectual Property Moot Court, reaching the national round twice and advancing to the semifinals while winning the best brief score in 2022.

Jessica focuses primarily on commercial and intellectual property litigation in Delaware’s state and federal courts.

In law school, Jessica was a teaching assistant for Contracts and Property and completed clinics with the Philadelphia Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts and the Wistar Institute. She received the Sandra Glaberson Scholarship for her work with Women’s Law Caucus. Jessica is a fellow of the Rubin Public Interest Law Honor Society.


Commercial Litigation
Intellectual Property

  • Temple University Beasley School of Law, J.D., magna cum laude, 2023
  • Colgate University, B.A., magna cum laude, English, 2018
  • Delaware, 2023
  • United States District Court, District of Delaware, 2024