October 26, 2010

Event| Trusts & Estates

For the past 19 years, IMPACT has been bringing relevant presenters, exhibitors, subject-matter experts and advisors together in a conference to help keep Schwab clients and partners ahead of an ever-changing curve.  This year, the conference is organized to challenge, stimulate and engage its attendees in understanding the key issues in today’s market. The goal: to craft sessions and events that can send attendees back to their firms with stronger relationships and timely strategies to reinvigorate their businesses.

Don Sparks will be a speaker at a panel entitled "Recent Fiduciary Developments Affecting Risk Management for Trustees and Trust Advisors," which will update attendees’ knowledge of current law regarding trusts and help them gain insight into current techniques that will benefit their clients.  This panel will guide attendees through strategies on how to satisfy client needs, minimize risk and grow their business, with a focus on:

  • Use of directed trusts to reduce trustee liability
  • Why move a trust and how to move to friendlier jurisdictions
  • Better understanding of risk management and risk avoidance when acting as a trustee for your clients
  • How to deal with the liability of a trustee when converting an income trust to a total return trust
  • Expanding your business using trusts and learning how to compete with banks that offer similar services